
Confirmation candidates Blessed Trinity Parish Amsterdam

Nieuws - gepubliceerd: zaterdag, 2 juni 2018 - 192 woorden
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het aansnijden van de taart
het aansnijden van de taart

Friday eve­ning I visited the Blessed Trinity parish in Am­ster­dam to administer the sacra­ment of Confirmation to the candidates there, coming from different backgrounds and places, but members of the English spea­king parish of the Blessed Trinity.

This year already we count twenty years since Fr. G. Murray was appointed the parish priest of the highly frequented English spea­king parish, located in the church at Zaaiersweg 180 in Am­ster­dam. He is inspi­ring not only because of his jokes, but above all because of his living faith and closeness to people.

The candidates were well prepared, I am grateful for that to the teachers who spend many hours since october last year to teach them catechesis. 

The celebration was well prepared too, with a beautiful li­tur­gical booklet and a nice choir sin­ging. After the Holy Mass there was a reception with food and soft drinks and a nice atmosphere. I was invited to cut a big confirmation-cake specially prepared for this occasion.

May the Lord bless these candidates and their families and may the Holy Spirit guide them and bestow upon them His love, wisdom, discern­ment, courage, faith and reverence for the Lord!
