Delegatie Chinese Bisschoppenconferentie op bezoek
De Stichting Verbiest uit Leuven heeft een bezoek van een delegatie van Chinese bisschoppen georganiseerd, mede ter voorbereiding op een grotere conferentie die men volgend jaar rond deze tijd wil houden. Vier Chinese bisschoppen en een priester van een vijfde bisdom zijn enkele dagen te gast in België, Nederland en Frankrijk. 11-12 september waren zij in ons bisdom.
Onder dit artikel vindt U de inleiding die ik heb gehouden rond het thema van missionaire kerk en de preek die ik tijdens de H. Mis heb gehouden.
De conferentie volgend jaar en ook de gesprekken van dit jaar hadden als basis het boek dat kardinaal Joseph de kesel Schreef: "Geloof & Godsdienst in een seculiere samenleving". Het bezoek dat met alle verantwoordelijken goed was afgestemd, begon op 7 september; op 15 september keren de bisschoppen terug.
De delegatie
De delegatie werd geleid door Bisschop Guo Jincai, van het bisdom Chengde, die juist voor het vertrek was benoemd tot bisschop-moderator van het nationaal seminarie in Peking, een goed uur reizen in hogesnelheidstrein vanuit zijn bisdom. Bisschop Guo Jincai spreekt Frans en enig Engels. Bisschop Pei Junmin van het bisdom Shenyang spreekt goed Engels. Daarnaast waren Bisschop Liu Xinhong van bisdom Anhui en bisschop Cui Qingqi van het bisdom Wuhan aanwezig. Het bisdom Chongqing is al twintig jaar zonder bisschop, hoewel dat een stad betreft van 30 miljoen (!) inwoners waarvan 200.000 katholieken. Van dit bisdom was Fr. Ding Yang aanwezig, die in Rome gestudeerd had en goed Engels spreekt.
Het was een vreugde deze medebroeders te ontmoeten en met hen ervaringen uit te wisselen, het thema te bespreken en met hen de Eucharistie te vieren en gezellig samen te zijn.
Stichting Verbiest
Vanuit de Stichting Vebiest was pater Scheutist Jeroom Heyndrickx aanwezig, 92 jaar, maar zeer vitaal. Ik stond ervan te kijken hoe iemand van zijn leeftijd zo gemakkelijk overschakelde van Chinees, naar Engels, Frans en Vlaams en steeds een goede en interessante inbreng had. Daarnaast waren dr. Hugo Vanheeswijck, die ’s avonds een inleiding hield als aanzet voor gesprek, Fr. Matthew Gong en Elisa Weng van de Stichting aanwezig.
Het programma
Voordat de delegatie naar ons bisdom kwam hadden de bisschoppen al een ontmoeting gehad met kardinaal De Kesel en mgr. Harpigny van Doornik (Tournai) waar de delegatie had deelgenomen aan de plechtige processie die afgelopen zondag door die stad is gehouden. In België was er ook een ontmoeting met de Scheutisten en een bezoek aan de abdij van Park. Na een bezoek aan Steyl en Broekhuizervorst (bisschop Schraven-stichting), arriveerde de groep tegen 16.00 uur in Heiloo waar we gezamenlijk dineerden en van gedachten wisselden over de internationale conferentie die in 2024 is voorzien. Zoals vermeld hielden Dr. Hugo Vanheeswijck en ik er een inleiding. De volgende ochtend vierden we de Eucharistie en na een bezoek aan het heiligdom van heiloo vertrokken de bisschoppen naar Amsterdam waar zij werden ontvangen in de Sint Nicolaasbasiliek. Vanuit Amsterdam vertrokken zij vervolgens naar Parijs voor het laatste deel van het bezoek.
De ontmoeting was een mooie ervaring en van harte hoop ik dat de wederzijdse uitwisseling mag bijdragen aan goede contacten tussen Oost en West, tussen de Kerk in China en onze streken die zoveel historische banden hebben met dit grote land, daarover heb ik in de inleiding hieronder meer gezegd.
When I became the diocesan bishop of this diocese in 2020, I proposed four themes that I believe are important for being a Christian and therefore for the church in our diocese, from the perspective of a Church in a secular society, like we are in The Netherlands, where more than half of the population declares itself “non believers”:
- We are “Church together”.
That is an important reality: we must and may do it together. As baptized and formed Christians, we face the same task together, we all share in the mission our Lord entrusted to His Church. We have the calling to inspire and encourage each other and the society we are living in and to experience our solidarity in concrete terms. We do this with reverence and respect for the various charisms, talents and forms of spirituality that exist in our Catholic Church. I think of the many volunteers who are active in our parishes. In our diocese we experience solidarity with believers of all nationalities, with young people and the elderly: together we are that body of Christ that is the Church, together we form one community .
- Church seeks contact, as much as possible and with everyone.
She is essentially missionary. Pope Francis has underlined this: he wants a church that goes out and looks for ways to be in contact with the people in our society. What ways can we find to introduce them to the value of our faith? And the good news of the risen Lord? Often the light falls on what is not allowed: “Thou shalt not...”. Many people only know the prohibitions of faith, while you can only place them once you have discovered the treasure of faith and the relationship with Jesus Christ. It is therefore essential for every faith community in our diocese to go out, bring people into contact with the riches of the Gospel and respect the steps of their growth. That is why broader and topical social or cultural religious initiatives will also be welcome and necessary; they can help people in a secularised society to get in touch with catholic faith in this broader context and put a step forward on the path of the gospel.
- Being a Christian expresses itself in actions.
No one can be a Christian without acts of concrete charity. In what we do for our neighbour, being a Christian becomes visible and concrete. This makes it clear that being a Christian is not about 'nice words', but that it is real (cf. 1 John 3:16-18). The experience of mutual love and care for the poor and people in need was the hallmark of the first Christians. Others were attracted by this and wanted to get to know the Gospel and the community of faith (cf. Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-36). Caritas is therefore an essential and attractive aspect of our church and Christian life; commitment to charity and friendship with the poor are necessary.
- Young people and families have the right to our attention.
Young Catholics - young people and families - do not always easily find a structure and incentive to live their faith with peers in Dutch society. They are busy shaping their lives and raising their children. It is therefore very important that we offer them community, support and education in order to realize their beautiful calling - which receives too little attention in our time.
These themes are of great importance to our diocese of Haarlem-Amsterdam and we try to work on them. Of course, other themes can be mentioned that are also important. For now, I'll leave it at that. We will certainly have the opportunity to develop these and other aspects in more detail in our discussions and reflections.
Let us pray that our commitment to the gospel will be fruitful. It is only grace that can make it fruitful, it is not in the hands of man. Let us therefore implore God's blessing upon our mission! May Mary, Mother of the Church, intercede for us.
Haarlem, 11 september 2023
+Johannes Hendriks
Bishop of Haarlem-Amsterdam
How should we be Church and evangelize in our society today?
Your Excellencies, dear brothers in Christ,
Let me first repeat
that I am grateful
and very pleased and honoured by your visit
in our diocese of Haarlem-Amsterdam.
Amsterdam is proud to have
the first China town
of European mainland,
it is just behind the basilica
you will visit today in Amsterdam.
Chinese new year is celebrated there
with colourful processions.
Our ties
Yesterday evening I told you already something
about my personal connection
with the Scheutist Fathers and the church in China
[I was an altar boy in their missionshouse in my birthplace
and a member of the "Hamerclub" for the missions, espec. in China].
You will know better than me about the historical ties
that bind us together.
Missionaries from the Netherlands
It is almost 160 years ago nowthat Father Théophile Verbist
during the summer of 1864,
visited some seminaries in the Netherlands
to win candidates for the mission work in China.
Ferdinand Hamer from Nimwegen
was the first to present himself.
This was only a couple of weeks
before his ordination to the priesthood.
So he changed his direction
answering - so I may say -to a Divine calling,
he entered the young community of Scheutist Fathers
and already one year later, in 1865
he left together with Father Verbist
and a few others
to set out for the missions in China.
You visited already the home
of the Vincentian bishop Frans Schraven,
another Dutch missionary and bishop in China,
who took a courageous stand
in the time of Japanese occupation.
When I was young I heard
the old Scheutist missionaries
who had been in China
still speaking of the Chinese people
with much respect
for their culture, their faith, their science.
Mary set out...
It came to my mind
while I was reading today’s Gospel,
indicated for the memorial
of the holy name of Mary.
It was the gospel
that was central to the recent World Youth Days:
"Mary set out and traveled in haste".
Together we ponder
the central and fundamental question:
“How should we be Church and evangelize in our society today?”
This is an important question
and nobody can answer it in fullness,
because at the end
it is grace and only grace
that begets faith,
so the question really is:
How can we become good instruments
to prepare the way for grace?
The book written by His Eminence Cardinal Joseph De Kesel
about faith and religion in a secular society
gives us a good basis
and a starting point for this reflection.
A star
We ask today for the intercession
of the blessed Virgin Mary for this reflection.
She was full of grace and the best instrument for grace.
One of the possible explanations
of the meaning of her most holy Name,
that we celebrate today,
is that it means “Star of the sea”,
indicating that the blessed Virgin Mary
is a guide in spiritual life
like the star of the sea is a guide for sea voyagers.
Both Saint Pope Paul VI and Saint Pope John Paul II
entrusted the work of Evangelization to Mary,
calling her the “Star of the New Evangelization.”
Evangelizing. What did she bring?
Today we hear about her, evangelizing.
Having heard the news
the archangel Gabriel brought her,
she went in haste to share the news
with Elisabeth.
Mary’s greeting and presence
brings spiritual joy and exultation
to Elizabeth and to the infant in her womb
and also Mary herself
proclaims the greatness of the Lord
and she rejoices in God her saviour.
I think an important pathway is shown her:
the main characteristic
of this first act of evangelization is:
joy, praise and gratefulness,
which implies: trust in God’s grace.
The first characteristic
Every evening we repeat these words of Mary:
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord”.
So that should be the first characteristic
of evangelization:
that we radiate the inner joy
that the Lord touched our lives,
that He brought us salvation,
that we trust in His grace
that we show our joy and gratefulness
for what the Lord did to us.
The Virgin Mary received a High calling:
her Son would be a King, reigning for ever;
however this did not exclude suffering,
we all know how her life went on...
But she remained steadfast:
after all, what we hear from her is
that she was there
during the prayer of the Pentecostal novena
and the outpouring of the holy Spirit
on Pentecost.
Now that we honour
the most holy Name of Mary,
star of the sea,
let us pray
that she may intercede for us
and help us to be
instruments of grace.